Shop 24mm BB BB Help at Rotor America | Rotor America

BB Help – 24mm BB

Do you know what you're looking for? Find what you need in the options below.

Feeling a little lost?  Head on over to our Bottom Bracket Basics page and we'll help you get up to speed.

How we name ROTOR Bottom Brackets

While everyone likes to think their bottom bracket system makes the most sense, it can get pretty confusing as you dive into specifics. We, like many others, like to think that our method for naming bottom brackets brings some simplicity to things. Our bottom brackets are sized by first listing the outer diameter of the bottom bracket, and secondly the inner diameter, or diameter of the spindle.

For example, a BB86/92 is a press-fit bottom bracket that features a 41mm outer diameter, so all of our BB86/92 bottom bracket options will start with "41." The second number will depend on the axle size, so a Press Fit 4130 will feature a 41mm outer diameter, and 30mm inner, while a Press Fit 4124 features the same 41mm outer diameter, with a 24mm inner diameter. Carry on with this, our BSA30 Bottom Bracket features an English-threaded outer, and 30mm inner. Do you catch our drift?

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