Shop outlet Road Power Meters at Rotor America | Rotor America

Road Power Meters – outlet

Which power meter is right for me?

The 2INpower SL and INpower V3 are both crank based power meters, with the difference being that the 2INpower SL is dual-sided and rechargeable, whereas the INpower is single-sided and powered by a AA battery. The 2INpower SL is a power meter with strain gauges in both the crank arm and spindle for precise, independent measurements.

The INspider, on the other hand, is a spider-based power meter, where the strain gauges are in the spider itself. The INspider is compatible with all of our current model cranks, including the ALDHU and VEGAST. The NEW INSPIDER ROAD is lighter, thinner and has a longer battery life! 

Need help choosing the right power meter? Check out our Power Meter Guide to help select the right power meter for you! OR give us a call at 801-393-4822

Additionally, our bundles include a discount when compared to purchasing individual components. The price shown with each bundle reflects the discount already accounted for. 

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