ROTOR DM Round Ring - 2x | High end bike components | Rotor America

ROTOR DM Round Ring - 2x

Light, Stiff and Modular

  • Sale
  • $173.00
  • Regular price $230.00

  • Weight: 168g for a 52/36
  • Compatible with GRX, 9, 10, 11, and 12 speed groupsets

Product Description

CNC-machined from a single block of 7075-aeronautic-grade aluminum,  we built the ROTOR DM Round Chainrings to shed weight left and right, while maintaining total rigidity and durability for the long road ahead. By utilizing top-tier materials, and a construction that drops every unnecessary nut and bolt, we were able to knock more than 30-grams off of the weight of standard chainring combos to partner with ALDHU crank arms, taking the cake as our lightest crankset ever. 

With some help from ALDHU 3D+'s innovative modular structure, we are able to make each component of the crankset individually available to accommodate the current spectrum of riders, and bike standards.



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