DTT Bolt Replacement | High end bike components | Rotor America

DTT Bolt Replacement

  • Sale
  • Regular price $30.00

Product Description

This is a service option for 3D24 and 2INpower cranksets in case of a broken, damaged, or removed DTT pinch bolt on the non-drive side crank arm.

To select this product, you must first speak with a ROTOR representative. The cost covers parts and labor. The customer is responsible for shipping the damaged parts to our office. Please do not send us the cranks until you have spoken with a ROTOR representative and received an RA number.

Service is depending on existing damage of DTT Bolt and threads. Generally speaking we are able to replace all without damage to the fine threads on the crankarm. If deemed irreparable, we can source replacement options. 

Call 801-393-4822 or email infousa@rotorbike.com to finalize your order for a DTT bolt replacement.

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